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The Park Residential Care Home, Hornsea


The Park Residential Care Home in Hornsea, East Riding of Yorkshire, was rated outstanding for being effective and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), on 11 March 2020.

The safe, caring and responsive categories were awarded Good.

The Park Residential Care Home provides personal care and accommodation for people with mental health needs and people living with dementia.

The provider invested heavily in the development of its staff and recognised the benefit of this in the delivery of high-quality care. A number of staff had been supported to gain further qualifications, including at degree level, to progress as leaders and gain driving qualifications.

Staff told CQC inspectors, "The registered manager is always promoting training relevant to my job role", "We have really good training programmes here." They also described how their training enabled them to provide better care.

The CQC report also highlighted that the service had deep roots in the local community and put on a programme of events including barbeques and live music. The service had hosted a petting farm which local school children had been invited to join.

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