Wallace Crescent in Carlshalton, Surrey was rated outstanding for being effective and responsive following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 27 November 2019.
It achieved the score of Good for the safe, caring, and well-led categories.
Holkham House is a residential care home providing personal care for people who may have a learning disability and associated conditions.
The CQC report highlighted that at the time of our inspection Wallace Crescent was using the STOMP framework. An approach based on current guidance and expert advice that looks at how services can reduce the amount of medicines people take and ensure the medicines people do take are prescribed for appropriate reasons and are effective.
The provider was working with people, relatives and medical professionals to achieve this and there were examples of people whose medicines had recently been reduced. This promoted a better quality of life, for example by significantly reducing side effects of medicines such as tiredness and weight gain.
Residents had opportunities to engage in a variety of activities of their choice, follow their interests and take holidays. People said they were happy with the activities they did. A visiting professional highlighted that staff worked extremely hard to engage one of the resident’s in activities as this had always been a challenge for them. Another person had recently started a college course that was relevant to their interests and level of ability and a third person had plans to start a job soon.
Activities at the home included sensory activities, art, and cooking.