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White Plains Care Home, Denham

Writer's picture: James ClarkJames Clark

Updated: Nov 14, 2019

White Plains Care Home in Denham, Buckinhamshire has been rated outstanding by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Inspectors visited 4 March 2019 and rated White Plains Care Home as outstanding in two areas, the caring and responsive aspects of the report, and good for the safe, effective and well-led elements.

At the last inspection caring was rated as good. At this inspection this key question has now improved to outstanding.

White Plains Care Home is a residential care home providing personal care to people over 65, some with dementia.

The CQC report highlighted that residents were truly respected and valued as individualsand empowered as partners in their care in an exceptional service.

The service placed considerable importance upon staff taking time to build and maintain compassionate relationships with people, their relatives and friends.

People appeared to be relaxed in the company of staff and enjoyed their interaction, chit-chat and light banter; their smiles and laughter were constantly apparent throughout the inspectors visit. This demonstrated that people had developed positive relationships with the staff team.

One relative commented that, "The level of care is first class. I don't think theycould do any more than they do.”

And a resident said, "They are looking after me very well. The staff are very friendly, and you feel welcome. The staff seem very happy.”

Regarding the responsive element, the CQC viewed positive written feedback from a relative about the activity coordinator, who had requested an additional meeting with them to find out more about their family member's background. As staff were concerned that due to changes in the person's dementia diagnosis and their abilities, they were less engaged and wanted to explore alternative approaches and activities to improve their quality of life.

The relative stated, "I was so pleased to have this opportunity. We had a constructive talk together about ways of continuing to develop care for residents with dementia. It was so helpful for me for my opinion to be valued and I think our joint thinking was useful."

Staff at White Plains used community links with a Reverend to widen the person's social opportunities based on their religious background. This demonstrated the service was proactive in reviewing people's changing needs and continued to tailor personalised support to benefit residents.

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