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Gracewell of Maids Moreton, Buckingham

Gracewell of Maids Moreton in Buckingham, a residential home with nursing support for older people living with dementia or physical disabilities was rated outstanding for being caring and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 10 & 11 September 2019.

It achieved the score of good for the safe, effective and responsive categories.

The CQC report highlighted that staff demonstrated a commitment to work with people who had lost verbal communication skills. Following the completion of an 'Advanced memory care' training course the registered manager wanted to try to re-connect communication with a person who had previously been outgoing, however, as a result of their dementia, they had become withdrawn. Using the training and skills the registered manager created a bespoke activity plan which involved playing music to the person. It was music which the person used to play on guitar. The person began to respond by tapping along to the music and opened their eyes. The involvement has led to them being more alert and has been supported to go into the garden and has been heard humming to themselves. The registered manager said, " The moment only lasted a few minutes but felt like ages, I was so emotional, to see this man's eyes light up it touched my heart."

Staff were keen to highlight they felt supported and liked working at the home. One member of staff said, "I want you to know that Gracewell of Maids Moreton is the best care home I have ever worked at in my nine years care home experience." They went on to say, "The management team are fantastic and should be very proud of what they and their staff achieve every single day of the year, I could not work in any other home after working her as nothing else would compare."

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