Cherry Trees Resource Centre in Nottingham, providing dementia care to adults over 65 years has been rated overall outstanding by the Care Quality Commission.
It was rated outstanding in the caring, responsive and well-led aspects of the report, and the safe and effectiveelements received a score of good, after the inspection,10 July 2019.
People received exceptional care and support from a staff team who valued and celebrated individuality and diversity. Care was provided in a highly respectful manner which put people at the heart of all that was provided. Visitors commented on the exceptional care and support they received, as well as their loved ones.
Staff used their in-depth knowledge of people's needs, wishes and cultural diversity to provide exceptionally personalised care and support which placed people and their families in control.
People's cultural diversity was supported, and people were encouraged to attend specific day support services which specialised in meeting people's cultural needs.
Specific events such as themed Jamaican nights and annual Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender events were held to both celebrate diversity, share knowledge and support people with new experiences.
People benefited from an exceptionally strong leadership team that promoted an open and inclusive culture.
The registered manager Nicola Kendrick said, "I want it to be friendly, open and fun. We don't want it to feel like a traditional care home, we want it to be inspiring, for it to have a lovely atmosphere, family can come in anytime they want."