Halcon House in Taunton, Somerset, was rated outstanding for being caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), on 21 & 22 January 2020.
The safe and effective categories received a score of Good.
Beech Hall is a residential care home providing nursing and personal care to adults aged 65 and over.
Halcon House is a residential care home specialising in providing long term and respite care to people with complex physical disabilities.
Person centred care and respect was embedded into the culture of the home. People were cared for as individuals in a non-discriminatory way. One person commented, "When I first came, I was instantly at ease. Everyone has been so nice. There's no judgement. I've been to the cinema and the pub which I wouldn't have done before. Their approach breaks done any stigma you feel." Another person said, "They treat everything as normal. It just couldn't be any better."
Staff respected people as individuals and encouraged them to remain in control of their lives. One visitor said, "Since being here they have been able to live their life as they want to. Nothing is ever too much trouble."
A health and social care professional told CQC inspectors, "There is a real feel that staff and managers know the people that they support and work with them to give them the best self-directed support that they can."
Since the last inspection the management team have sustained high standards and continually looked at ways to improve the service by continually seeking people's views, listening to suggestions and working with other professionals.
