Hill Brow Residential Care Home in Farnham is rated outstanding by the Care Quality Commission in their recent inspection.
The inspection that took place on 18 March 2019, rated Hill Brow outstanding in both the effective and responsive categories and good for safe, caring and well-led.
The Hill Brow Residential Care Home provides care for the elderly specialising in nursing, dementia, residential and day care.
It has another three homes in the local area.
CQC inspectors found that people's care and support was planned and delivered in line with evidence-based guidance, standards and best practice and potential risks to people and their health and welfare were assessed using nationally recognised tools.
The provider ensured staff kept up to date with developments in good practice through information sharing and training.
Prior to the opening of the nursing home, a clinical development lead has been employed on a temporary six-month contract, to upskill staff at all four of the care homes.
This had benefited residents, through staff's deeper understanding and increased skills and a reduction in hospital admissions and GP call outs for people.
Since the last inspection, scrap books had been given to residents. Their purpose was to capture people's daily lives and experiences within the service, through photos and words. These enabled staff to continue to learn about people and to understand their present experience and future wishes as well as their past. These were given to families, along with people's life history books and history frames at the end of their lives, as part of their legacy of their time at Hill Brow.
A spokesperson for Hill Bow said, “We are very proud of this latest inspection report and want to say a big thank you to all our dedicated and hardworking staff members that helped achieve this Outstanding rating.”