Holmwood Residential Home in Bungay, Suffolk has been rated as outstanding, following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission. The inspection took place on 12 March 2019.
It was awarded outstanding for being effective, caring, responsive and well-led and good for the safe aspect of the report.
The CQC highlighted that discussions with the team at Holmwood demonstrated that they were very knowledgeable about people's rights relating to equality, including gender, age, sexuality, beliefs and disability. People's specific needs were identified in their care records relating to diversity to ensure that their specific needs were respected and met.
Inspectorswitnessed some examples of extremely caring interactions, including a member of staff sitting with a resident with dementia who was holding a doll. The staff member offered to get a blanket for the doll. This demonstrated empathy and understanding of the person's condition.
Everyone that CQC inspectors spoke with were extremely complimentary about the entire team. One visiting professional said, "The manager is different from any other managers, she has a lovely smile, is positive and always greets us and stops to have a chat, she is so caring about everybody."
One relative said, "The manager runs a pretty tight ship, staff all get on together, it is a very good home.”