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Richmond Village, Northampton

Richmond Village in Northampton was rated outstanding for being effective and responsive following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), on 13 February 2020.

The safe, caring, and well-led categories received a score of Good.

Richmond Village Northampton is a nursing home for older people.

Where people had complex or continued health needs, staff always sought to improve their care by involving health and social care professionals. One person's quality of life had improved greatly as staff continued to seek assistance from different specialist health professionals, until they found the specialist that could relieve the person's symptoms. Their relative described how the staff, 'Never gave up, they referred to other specialists until their long-term condition was under control."

Nursing staff held daily clinical meetings to discuss each person's needs and make referrals to other health professionals where required. Where people's needs changed, staff adapted the care they provided. For example, during a spell of ill health, one person always required a member of staff to be with them to keep them safe; the registered manager and staff took it in turns to stay with the person, working long hours overnight to ensure their safety. Their relative told us, "Staff were brilliant, I am so glad it happened here, we were kept fully informed."

The CQC also identified that residents were always supported to make choices about how they lived their lives and staff ensured their wishes were respected and carried out.

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