Sefton Hall in Dawlish, Devon was rated outstanding for being effective, caring responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), on 26 & 27 February 2020.
The safe category received a score of Good.
Sefton Hall is a care home providing personal and nursing care.
The provider, Southern Healthcare state one of their key aims is 'to aspire continuously towards a happy, vibrant environment'. Throughout the inspection, the CQC saw numerous examples of how this aim had been achieved based on observations, conversations and feedback on the exceptional care within the home. A staff member said, "I'm very proud of how far we've come, making it a homely atmosphere."
People received outstanding and individualised care from a motivated, skilled and exceptionally well led staff team. The provider had strong visions and values focused on maximising people's quality of life and cultivated a caring and supportive culture. Staff had embraced these values which were evident during the CQC inspection.
Residents and relatives spoke in high praise of the registered manager, provider and the staff team. One person summed this up by saying staff were "interested" in the people they cared for, and said about their choice of Sefton Hall, "Every day I thank my lucky stars."
People's past careers were recognised and valued, and a person who had been in the RAF accompanied staff to attend a local airfield to watch them complete a charity parachute jump.
Another resident had previously worked as a zookeeper in another county and was keen to visit their former workplace. Due to the distance a compromise was reached, and they were supported to visit a well-known zoo in Devon for the day.
A truly person-centred culture had been embedded at Sefton Hall. Since the last inspection, the providers, registered manager and staff had continued to work exceptionally hard to drive forward practice, continually innovate and challenge themselves to improve further.
This resulted in national care homes awards in 2019. They had not been complacent, and this was apparent from our discussions with staff. Every staff member recognised the importance of their role to be part of a vibrant community. A person told us the staff are "all absolutely lovely…if you need to be somewhere like this, this is the place to be…I'm so very lucky."
