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Writer's pictureJames Clark

St Lukes Care Home, Caversham

Updated: Nov 19, 2019

St Lukes Care Home rated Outstanding

B&M Care is delighted that the St Lukes Care Homin Caversham, Berkshire has been rated overall Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

The home achieved outstanding in effective and well-led services, and good for being caring, safe and responsive, following the inspection on 25 June 2019.

During the inspection, CQC found the home was led by a dynamic, committed and highly knowledgeable management team who promote a good quality of life through exceptional implementation of care, treatment and support.

The report highlighted that the environment on the upper floor of The Oaks was exceptionally dementia friendly. Corridors were bright and individually themed as a street, a garden and the seaside which enabled people to orientate themselves around the unit. The walls were designed to engage people in activities they could initiate for themselves. Through sensory, visual and tactile stimulation.

There was a display of fake grass and another of fabrics with vibrant colours and textures for people to touch. The seaside and garden corridors, were full of items people could touch, explore and take with them as they moved around the unit. People were seen to enjoy examining and engaging with their environment.

The registered manager was highly knowledgeable and committed to improving people's experience of the care provided, having been involved with the service since 1990. They were also very innovative and their passion, commitment and endeavour for people shone through.

The deputy manager told inspectors of the registered manager, "She never stops coming up with ideas."

A professional said, "The manager has a clear plan and ideas of how the home can be improved in relation to the resident's needs."

Residents benefited from her dynamic approach, which inspired the staff team to engage with multiple projects and ideas, such as the environmental improvements, the Rose Model, the activities provision and the falls prevention work, which had delivered significant and sustained improvements to the quality of life for people.

Through her work, people had an excellent environment, very person centred care and numerous opportunities to engage with different stimuli, activities and visitors of all ages, such as children, volunteers and students.

St Lukes Home Manager, Kim Franks commented, “We are incredibly proud of achieving outstanding. This is our residents’ home and we work hard to ensure that it is the best it can possibly be through delivering person-centred care within a highly personable environment by a skilled and committed staff team.

She continued, “This achievement would not have been possible without each and every one of the staff team who share a vision and are dedicated to delivering high standards and continuous improvement.”

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